A woman and a man having a conversation about podcasting
Woman photo created by freepik – www.freepik.com

Welcome to the podcast(s) from techZorro. I invite you, dear reader, to explore the episodes available. Feel free to browse from the entire catalog, listen and enjoy the ones that appeal to you and skip the ones that don't. If you like what you hear, please consider subscribing wherever you listen to your podcasts and giving an honest review.

Why podcasting anyway?

Is podcast still a good platform? Yes! In order to build a lasting and trustworthy relationship with the readers of techZorro, the podcast was brought to the website in order to bring a more pleasant and enjoyable way for the the stories, advices, recipes and more. Not only from your host Juditova, but from guests as well. You will meet engineers, crafters and tech enthusiasts that share their point of view in multiple topics.


nanoZorro, cover of the podcast about electronics, programming and networking
Cover of nanoZorro

Juditova from the blog techZorro.com shares his curiosity and experience in electronics, networking and programming so you can learn and share into your hobbies and projects. Get excited about how you can figure out about topics and ideas that sparks your creativity in your area of interest. Since 2020, Juditova has been writing about his passion (and profession) about technology for producers, engineers, makers, hobbyists, crafters and many more enthusiasts. Many of these topics were learned in . You will learn about servers, switches, routers, microcontrollers, microprocessors, programming languages, development boards so that you can apply right away to your project, service or product. The whole purpose of the show to learn, do and improve together. This podcast will have interviews, news and solo episodes that you don’t want to miss out. Click on subscribe and get comfortable to enjoy what you do best.

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